● Service and Learning-Sustainable Development is applicable to students following the curriculum of the 112 academic year.
● Tronclass has added the "Service and Learning - Sustainable Development 19 Class (International Students)."
All information for this semester's course (course videos, exams, etc.) will be available there.
● Tronclass displays the same class as mentioned in the current announcement. If there are any discrepancies, please contact us.
Service and Learning-Sustainable Development Course illustrate
1. Curriculum planning
● Week 1 to 9 Online Course Introduction the SDGs
● Week 10 to 17 Self-produced Videos on SDGs
● The 18th week Submit the Video
2. The Course Information Session will be held on February 26th from 17:10 to 18:00 (Arriving after 17:16 will be considered as being absent.) in Classroom L011.
3. The detailed course description is explained in the attached document below.