111-2 服務與學習(二)-實作課校園環境服務期末心得繳交注意事項

  • 2023-05-26
  • Peng

1.繳交時間:自112年05月29日(一)上午8:00 至 112年06月07日(三)下午5:00止。

Term of validity:112/05/29 8:00a.m.-112/06/07 5:00p.m.


Sending e-mail with your file(word) to your leader. You will receive the reply by your leader if you were finished.

3.請採用12號字、中文標楷體、英文Times New Roman、單行間距、黑色字體。

The form of a written: Times New Roman

The font size: 12

Space: Single

The font color: Black


The font and numbers: Half-width.


Leaving a blank space in the beginning every paragraph.


Deleting the illustrations.


The number of words in each question must be at least 150 words, and score will be deducted for those with insufficient words.


If your format is wrong, its score will be deducted partly and your reflection report will no longer be returned or turn in it again.


Late submissions will be scored zero points for the reflection report, and will no longer turn in it again.


If you don’t hand out your reflection report, it will get a goose egg and points also will be deducted from the total score.


Plagiarists will be given zero points for their reflection report, and points will be deducted from the total score.